Author name: developers

Why Buying a Home Now Is Your Winning Play

Why Buying a Home Now Is Your Winning Play

You may be sitting on the sidelines wondering if it’s better to buy now or
wait. But buying before the spring rush may be a game-changing decision.
Moving this winter can give you significant advantages, like less
competition, more negotiating power, and lower prices. If you’re able to
buy now, stay ahead of the game and outrun the competition. To tackle your
homebuying plans this year, let’s connect.

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The 3 Biggest Mistakes Sellers Are Making Right Now

The 3 Biggest Mistakes Sellers Are Making Right Now

If you want to sell your house, having the right strategies and
expectations is key. But some sellers haven’t adjusted to where the market
is today. They’re not factoring in that there are more homes for sale or
that buyers are being more selective with their budgets. And those sellers
are making some costly mistakes.

The 3 Biggest Mistakes Sellers Are Making Right Now Read More »

Time in the Market Beats Trying To Time the Market

Time in the Market Beats Trying To Time the Market

Time in the Market Beats Timing the Market | Scott Lehr PA | The Listing Team

Time in the Market Beats Trying To Time the MarketAre you torn between whether to buy a home now or wait? Consider this. Forecasts show prices will climb for at least the next 5 years. If you wait, the price of a home will be higher later on. But, if you buy a $400K now, you could gain roughly $83K in equity as prices rise. If you’re able to buy now, this equity is one reason why it’ll be worth it in the long run. Let’s connect if you’re ready to talk through ways we can make it happen.

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